{"id":5652,"date":"2018-06-30T12:01:54","date_gmt":"2018-06-30T12:01:54","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=5652"},"modified":"2020-10-05T22:26:28","modified_gmt":"2020-10-06T02:26:28","slug":"lol-na-lcs-summer-split-betting-predictions-for-saturday-week-3-day-1","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/lol-na-lcs-summer-split-betting-predictions-for-saturday-week-3-day-1\/","title":{"rendered":"LoL: NA LCS Summer Split betting predictions for Saturday Week 3 Day 1"},"content":{"rendered":"

As expected of the NA LCS, Team Liquid and 100 Thieves are heading the top of the standings after Week 2 at a 3-1 record apiece. Following the top place teams is a 6 way tie for third place with Cloud9 and FlyQuest bringing up the rear as the last two teams in the league. With such a good start for TL and 100T couple with the fact that their strong last season finish has earned them a decent amount of Championship Points, both teams are in a great position to solidify their Worlds debut in the coming fall. <\/p>\n

Some shocking standings that need to be noted are the Golden Guardians with a 2-2 record considering their small roster change and the Cloud9 fall from grace with a 1-3 record with Sneaky, Smoothie and Jensen still sitting on the bench. Echo Fox\u2019s last minute substitution of Feng for Adrian caused FOX to lose a ban and lose against OPT. Allorim has taken over for Dhokla on OPT and has looked great ever since, even in their loss. \u2003<\/p>\n


CHECK OUR OTHER TIPS<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

Betting Predictions for Saturday June 30<\/h2>\n

Cloud9 vs Team SoloMid<\/h3>\n


Cloud9 has many issues coming into this week and have to face a struggling TSM on the other end of the rift. As Twitch chat so promptly exclaimed \u201c#NotOurC9\u201d, the substitutes of Goldenglue, Keith and Zeyzal have not had much success on the competitive scene. TSM on the other hand have yet to find a stable jungler between MikeYeung and Grig and have to continue building communication in the early game between mid, top and jungle.<\/p>\n

Should C9 continue on their current course with the same roster, this match will end as most would expect; a TSM victory. If C9 makes a substitution of either Sneaky or Jensen and Smoothie for Keith and Zeyzal, C9 have a much better chance at triumphing over TSM. Licorice should be able to handle Hauntzer in the top lane with Svenskeren safely jungling and tracking either Grig or MikeYeung. Goldenglue has looke great as of late and can match the contested king of midlane Bjergsen.<\/p>\n

*If C9 makes a substitution of their botlane, Cloud9 will be predicted to win*
\nBetting prediction:<\/strong> Team SoloMid to win, paying -175.44 at

Team Liquid vs Echo Fox<\/h3>\n


A team sticking to their guns by playing standard in this chaotic meta will be squaring off against the Huni show in the second match of the day. As much as Team Liquid show promise, they have to ensure that they can successfully outwit and outplay FOX in every facet of the early game or FOX will take the lead and storm away with it.<\/p>\n

The map will be split into two halves horizontally \u2013 FOX controlling the top while TL controlling the bot. Basically, whoever gets further ahead will win between Huni and Doublelift. Although TL also have a very decent carry in Pobelter as well, Huni has been known to venture outside his lane and play unconventional picks in order to further his lead. In this patch, getting the bottom lane ahead in a traditional ADC and Support matchup may not be enough to win the game. Although Doublelift has shown the propensity to play other picks than ADC, putting the pressure on him to carry on an off champion is difficult at best for TL.<\/p>\n

Betting prediction:<\/strong> Echo Fox to win, paying +125 at BetOnline<\/a>.

100 Thieves vs Clutch Gaming<\/h3\n\"100