{"id":7544,"date":"2019-06-12T00:46:28","date_gmt":"2019-06-12T00:46:28","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=7544"},"modified":"2020-10-05T22:02:09","modified_gmt":"2020-10-06T02:02:09","slug":"are-the-olympic-games-ready-for-esports-events","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/are-the-olympic-games-ready-for-esports-events\/","title":{"rendered":"Are the Olympic Games ready for esports events?"},"content":{"rendered":"


As reported by numerous sources, the American multinational corporation and technology company Intel recently entered talks with the International Olympic committee in hopes of speeding up the process of esports finding their way into the Olympic Games.<\/p>\n

The never-ending debate has split the community in two. Should esports be included in the Olympic Games? And does esports even have a place in the Olympic Movement?<\/p>\n


Not only has this question been asked numerous times before among friends and family, but on the global scale as well. While there are understandably people and companies which disagree, there are also several big corporations and companies that are trying to do their best to help esports become officially recognised as a real sport. And what better way to do so than bringing esports into one of the world’s leading international sporting events? <\/p>\n

It is hard to ignore the incredible growth of the esports industry. Like it or not, the youth is our future and today’s gamers are the people who will dictate what will happen in 20-30 years\u2019 time. To many people, perhaps even most people, the idea of including esports into the Olympics seems like the fever dream of a mad man. But the world is evolving and with it the thinking process of people, so it is time to acknowledge the change and adapt.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


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